Is it as good the HTC HDR One X? The iPhone 4S face to see which makes better photos
In the Taiwanese HTC MWC made a presentation in which he claimed that his camera X One was great and had improved the results dramatically. More or less business as usual in these presentations until they dared to make a direct comparison as HDR (high dynamic range) with the iPhone's camera 4S. To illustrate the superiority of HTC used ... compared a series of photos where everything was suspected of handling from the exaggeration of the results until two cameras with different focal were able to obtain an identical photo.
Now that chance has come at One HTC to Clipset a lab, we conducted a comparative rapid real, that is really between HTC Camera One X and the iPhone 4S. The test conditions were activated HDR exposure mode and auto white balance with the same light conditions in both cases. These are the results (the HTC One X above and below the iPhone 4s)
The HTC One gets a widescreen picture with apparently correct exposure seems more colorful (mostly seen in its bright OLED display) but can appreciate a lower level of detail in high contrast areas. The iPhone 4S seems to combine more adequately capture HDR but the result seems a little underexposed, but already we see a higher quality in the details.
If we see an extended cut of the center can more easily analyze the results of each smartphone
One detail of HTC is well below the offered by the iPhone both in sharpness as in definition, with an obvious overflow error lights, ie, the excess of light 'come' shadow detail. Meanwhile the iPhone 4S keeps much more information on the details to the light as the leaves of the trees, just where the HDR should do its job. The difference in edge definition and color is remarkable.
Finally we make a capture of a color chart to assess both the fidelity as the white balance of each device.
The HTC One more saturated colors and has a good white balance, although the HDR exaggerates the contrast of the white background 4S The iPhone is more soft and natural colors and seems to maintain a warm touch in the white balance.
This test is far from being a lab, but it can give a first approximation to the results of HTC Camera One X and iPhone 4S. But above makes clear that this must not always believe what the propaganda says that HTC seems quite exaggerated the qualities of your camera.