Techno Gadgets - Best Android Widgets 2013 - Want to customize your smartphone with the best widgets? Here I bring you a selection Best Android Widgetsso you can give your phone home screen and the look you want!
One of the aspects that distinguish Android over other operating systems are the widgets, those small applications that allow us to access the information they want instantly. We widgets for everything-news feed, social networks, calendar, weather, clock, battery, and virtually everything that comes to mind.
Since all (or at least most) of Android device users daily use widgets, I found it interesting to make a compilation with the best Android widgets to share with you. I selected different widgets for the post to be varied.
Hope you like it!
Best Android Widgets
Battery Widget Reborn
Battery Widget Reborn is an excellent widget that gives us very useful information. This app gives us information about using the battery (in what is being used, how much time we have autonomy, etc.), the device temperature, battery history and can even be configured to save battery, among other options .
This widget is highly customizable allowing you to alter the notifications, including widgets on the home screen, change the color and size (2 × 2 or 4 × 4). It also comes with shortcuts to the WiFi, Bluetooth, battery, airplane mode, etc..
Reborn Battery Widget can be downloaded from Google Play in two versions: a beta version that is free and the Pro version has a price of $ 1.99.
 | Battery Widget Reborn (BETA) Tomas Hubalek Free      | 
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 | Battery Widget Reborn Tomas Hubalek $ 1.99      | 
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Clock Now
As its name implies, Now Clock is a clock widget that has a beautiful design inspired by the famous card Google Now following the directives of the interface Holo. Therefore, if you are looking to give Google a real style to your home screen this widget is the one for you. In addition to its aesthetic, this app perfectly fulfills its function and provides some customization options. For example, you can configure four different background options and two color options for the text.
In addition to showing the time, Clock Now we also provide basic weather information and allows us to add icons to the widget and the battery icon, WiFi, Bueltooth, GPS, among others.
Now Clock is a free and no ads that can be downloaded for free from Google Play.
DigiCal Calendar & Widget
DigiCalender & Widget not just a widget but is a calendar application with a great widget. Most apps like this are very good but lack a good widget. DigiCal aims to fill that void with some widget options really impressive.
DigiCal Android is an elegant calendar with light and dark Holo themes, 6 calendar views (day, week, calendar, month, month and list text) and 5 attractive widgets (list, table, day, date and month list).
DigiCal has a very clear and intuitive interface both for smartphones and tablets that make it very pleasant to use. But all is aesthetics, this app also incorporates innovative features such as intelligent action bar that makes it easy to edit, move, copy, paste, and delete events. Furthermore, DigiCal incorporates integrated finding places to add places to events: only have to write the name of the place (either bar, cafe, park, shop, etc.) and the app will automatically scan and save the address.
As for widgets, DigiCal offers a lot of different styles and has everything one could ask a calendar widget. As mentioned earlier, offers five different widgets totally customizable and has support for phones and tablets.
DigiCal can be downloaded from Google Play in two versions: a free and a paying that comes without ads and is priced at $ 4.95.
 | Calendar DigiCal Digibites Free      | 
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 | Calendar DigiCal + Digibites $ 3.99      | 
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HD Widgets
HD Widgets is a widget application for Android more popular and there are two good reasons for this. The first is that it is one of the few true wigets apps to feature a variety of settings widgets. We offer literally everything: toggles, time, weather, calendar information and a long list of things. Best of all is that most of these settings can be combined with each other, giving us a large number of combinations.
The other reason that makes HD Widgets is one of the best apps of its kind, is the huge amount of customization options it offers. Each widget can be individually customized in several ways: we can change the color of text, background colors and the clock. If that's not enough, you can download the application Colorform and add another large amount of customization options. The options are huge!
HD Widgets is available for download from Google Play at a price of $ 1.99. If you want a complete implementation of widgets, this is without doubt one of the most complete you'll find.
 | HD Widgets $ 1.99      | 
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Taptu is a magnificent social news reader that comes with some elegant gathering news widgets.
Taptu lets you add a scrollable widget as well as more simple as a card style widget. Both can be customized to display a certain flow of news we want. While it is true that the app does not need much customization, we can change some things like the style and color.
As news widgets, Taptu is coupled with Pulse, one of the best choices you will find. And best of all, it's a free application.
 | Taptu - DJ Tue him Notizie Taptu Free      | 
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Beautiful Widgets
Speaking of widgets this app could not be left out. Beautiful Widgets is one of the most popular widgets applications offering hundreds of widgets and themes to customize our device and give it a unique and distinctive.
Beautiful Widgets is a true heavyweight in Google Play, the first payment app in surpassing the million downloads, remaining in the Editors of Google for over 1 year and staying for more than three years between the 5 first payment applications.
So what is it that makes you Beautiful Widgets so special? It offers a great quantity and variety of widgets like clock widgets, weather, battery level, calendar, and more. Moreover, we can choose from several designs for different aspects are widgets for the same functionality. As if this were not enough, we have more than 1000 free themes to change the style and aesthetics of your smartphone.
Another interesting thing is that each widget is independent allowing us to create the same widget for locations, themes or different designs.
If you're looking for an application widgets, Beautiful Widgets is undoubtedly one of the best you can find! It can be downloaded from Google Play at a price of $ 1.99.
 | Pro Beautiful Widgets LevelUp Studio $ 1.99      | 
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Business Calendar
If you are looking for a calendar widget, one of the options that you can not fail to consider is Business Calendar, an application which allows synchronization with Google calendar.
This app has an excellent presentation both graphical and textual view by month, day, event and Ageda, fluid scrolling and zooming in the multi-day view (1-14 days), search function, on / off schedules quick to use the bookmarks bar and different sizes configurable widgets according to the month view, week, day, and on the agenda.
Business Calendar offers a lot of options for recurring events, to connect a contact to an event to create event templates, select individual calendars widgets, multi-selection mode to delete, move or copy multiple events at the same time among many other options.
Also offers eleven different themes to choose from and the ability to modify the font sizes for the app and widgets. If you want a calendar widget, possibly Business is the best you can find.
This application can be downloaded from Google Play at a price of $ 4.99 but there is also a Free version has advertising.
 | Business Calendar Appgenix Software $ 4.99      | 
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 | Business Calendar Free Appgenix Free Software Free      | 
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DIGI Clock Widget
As clock widgets, another excellent option is DIGI Clock Widget , a popular app with an average score of 4.7 on more than 23,000 marks in Google Play.
DIGI Clock Widget to set widgets 2 × 1, 4 × 1 and 4 × 2 widget that adapt according to the screen of your device and includes a wealth of customization options and select actions enabling widgets, select preferred colors for time and date separately, set shadow effect selectable color, customizable date format, alarm icon and various other things.
Furthermore, we can change the color and opacity of the widget background, used as a background image of the widget, choose from 25 fonts for the time and date and much more.
DIGI Clock Widget supports smartphones and tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play for free.
NOTE: the developer warned not move the app to the SD card.
 | DIGI Clock Widget ForestTree Free      | 
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Battery Widget
Finally, I leave Battery Widget, a stylish widget 1 × 1 which shows the battery level OU on the desktop device during loading animations. When you touch it, it will display the battery information and a link to see the battery usage.
As you will see is a very simple but wiget easily meets function. In addition, when we have no desk space is a battery level indicator for the notification bar, which is visible even while surfing the web or send text messages.In addition, there are three colors for Battery Widget which indicate if the battery level is high, medium or low and you can define custom alerts for announcements about changes in the status of the battery.
Battery Widget is a free application that can be downloaded from Google Play. Also available is the Plus version is priced at $ 1.29.
 | Battery Widget Elvison Free      | 
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 | Battery Widget + Elvison $ 1.29      | 
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This has been our selection of Best Android Widgets ! What is your favorite? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
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